My Hour of Presence

My Hour of Presence with the Heart of Jesus is an hour during which, in fulfilling my regular duties, I strive to perform them with more faithfulness, courage, brotherly charity, and reverence.

It is a daily Hour of Presence

  • where I am consciously aware of Christ LIVING in all the tabernacles of the world,

  • where I take myself in hand,

  • where I am aware of God watching over me,

  • where I inwardly nourish the desire to let the world welcome the wealth of mercy, peace, and affection flowing from the Heart of Jesus.

Lord Jesus, present in the Tabernacle,

I offer You this Hour

with all my actions, my joys and my sorrows,

to glorify your Heart

by this testimony of love and reparation.

May this offering benefit my brethren

and make me more zealous in working for the accomplishment of

your loving designs for all men.

With You

I consecrate myself for their sake now,

that they may be consecrated in truth”

(John 17,19).

Sacred Heart of Jesus, may your Kingdom come!

Prayer of Offering of the Hour of Presence

(to begin our Hour of Guard)

We "present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God," within the Body of Christ that we form and in communion with the offering

of his Eucharist.

Without imposing any method for sanctifying the Hour of Presence, the following one seems to be useful to our souls and glorifies the Lord:

As soon as the hour rings, let us meditate for a moment, make the sign of the Cross, and go in spirit with our Angel to the foot of the Tabernacle. Let us humbly prostrate ourselves in spirit and heart before Jesus, let us recite the Prayer of Offering. This can be done quickly; and unnoticed if we are in the presence of other people.

Having begun the Hour of Guard in this way, we carry on with it in peaceful attention to the presence of Our Lord, without any constraint or trouble, in fulfilling our regular duties, under the watchful eye of God, just as we would do with a beloved father.

Every now and then, let us remember that we are standing guard at the Tabernacle; let us look with our heart at Jesus, so gentle, so loving, and so abandoned in his sanctuary! Let us offer him, from time to time, an act of love, or a short and fervent prayer.

Let us not forget the poor sinners we all are, nor the needs of the Holy Church and the world: for them, let us sometimes make, mentally and unnoticed, the Most Precious Offering of the Blood and Water flowing from the wound of the Heart of Jesus. Finally, let us present to Our Lord a small sacrifice such as refraining from a curious glance, holding back a sharp word, overcoming a bad-tempered gesture.

Let us end the Hour of Presence by reciting Our Father and Hail Mary to the intentions of our Holy Father the Pope.